Miller did not love being in the same room as the bag pipe.
Ella's class just finished reading the book Flat Stanley. So, as a Spring Break project each student made their own Flat Stanley to share their Spring Break adventures. This week they will be writing their own Flat Stanley adventure books.
Our Flat Stanley had quite the week.
Not only was he in the St. Patrick's Day parade,
he got to drive the float.
Throughout the weekend, we had lots of friends and family come and cheer on Ella
And if the parade was not enough, Flat Stanley made his way to the Harlem Globtrotters!
After Flat Stanley finished his St. Patrick's Day tour around Birmingham, he got to help clear our lot!
Yes, that is right! We are finally starting to build!!! Our lot is now cleared and hopefully foundation will be poured this week!
I know Flat Stanley thought after the busy first part of the week he was going to get to relax for the rest of the week. But Flat Stanley quickly learned that there is always a project (or 2) before the Lee's relax.

Do not be fooled by those bare feet and rolled up sleeves, it was 45 degrees!!!!
After a day of scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing, washing and washing and finally waxing, we made a 26 year old boat look brand new!!!
It may have been too cold to go for a ride in the water, but we sure did go for a ride behind the truck!

Oh, and it was FREEZING!!!
Flat Stanley did not know what he was getting himself into when he came to spend the week with the Lee's! Not a boring moment!
Sara Wells fell asleep before we were out of the neighbor hood with a half eaten
granola bar in her hand!
I hope you all had a great Spring Break with your families!
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