I never intended to take a little break, but we have been busy the past week and a half. Last Sunday we left for our trip to Disney. We broke up the drive into two days and Murray had work for two days in Orlando, so our 4 day disney trip turned into a week long vacation that we will remember forever! My plan was to try to keep up with pictures and maybe even post some along the way. But after the second night, 177 photos and being tired as a dog, I knew that was not happening. Plus, we did not have internet access. So, we may be waiting a little while on those Disney pictures (over 500).
However, the trip did not end on Sunday for Murray and me. We dropped off Ella and Miller with my mom in Birmingham and headed to New Orleans for the National Championship game. Murray reserved our hotel room in September, but we did not know we would be seeing this sight
until 2 days into our Disney trip. Somehow, with some major ticket swapping going on, Murray's dad ended up with 4 seats together at the National Championship game. I am not going to lie, Alabama winning definitely helped in making a great two days.
But even if the outcome of the game had gone the other way, we had a great time leading up to the game!
Only in New Orleans can you eat food like this
(the creamiest, most amazing shrimp and grits I have ever eaten)
Walk down the street

and see a sign like this!
(btw, none of us had a clue what a Turtle was)
THANK YOU Mom for keeping Sara Wells and letting us take Ella and Miller to Disney World
AND then keeping all THREE kids so Murray and I could go to the game.
THANK YOU Mark and Em for getting the tickets of a lifetime!
And most importantly, Roll Tide Roll!
(That one was for you babe!)
I had the time of my life with the children!