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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sad Day

Last night was a sad night at the Lee House.  After many attempts of putting the kids to bed (Murray was  not home so it is always a little bit more rough laying down the law), I heard Miller kind of moaning "Mommy, Mommy...."  I could not make out the end of what he was saying and because he does not wear a diaper at night I just wanted to make sure he did not need to go to the bathroom.  When I opened the door, I realized what he was saying.  He sat on the edge of his bed holding Woody in two hands; Woody's body in one hand and his broken (off) leg in the other.  Amazingly, Miller was not devastated.  I was definitely more sad about it than Miller.  He played with Woody all day today like nothing had happened.  

However, he was thrilled for Woody's broken leg to be fixed.  We will see how long the tape will keep his leg together.  Now it just looks like Woody has a bad knee.


  1. That is indeed sad but my heart stopped a little bit thinking something was really wrong :( Glad it was just Woody and he has been healed!

  2. Too maybe Woody needs a knee replacement?! Wish we were that easy to fix!

  3. Has he gotten over not having "big woody" and "big rex"?

  4. no, he still asks for them all the time. maybe we can hold out until christmas
