We are a little behind on the kiddie pop culture, but here at the Lee House, we just got into Toy Story. It all started with Miller's potty training. The pull-ups I got Miller were Toy Story pull-ups. He immediately started saying everything Toy Story was his "favorite." While we were at the lake, I decided to get Miller and Ella Toy Story so that he could actually know what "his favorite" is. Well, of course they loved it! What is not to love, the cutest movie!
Thursday Murray took Ella and Sara Wells to the lake and Miller and I had the evening together. We went to Target and he picked out his own Woody and Buzz. I cannot even begin to explain how much he loves his Woody and Buzz. Here are a few pictures of their first night together.

Miller set Woody and Buzz up to watch him brush his teeth.

I think Thomas has those same ones and they love to sleep with him. Miller is just so, so adorable!!