A new fruit is in season and we are back at the jelly making! Saturday we all went out to the farm to pick blueberries! Sadly I forgot my camera, but don't worry, there are lots of blueberries left to be picked so there will be a few more chances for me to snap some pics. I have thought about taking the kids blueberry picking, but all the blueberry farms (i don't really know what they are called) are about an hour away and it is so hot that I knew it would not be worth it. Then a couple of weeks ago I found out that the farm has blueberry bushes! All this time and I never knew! I am definitely glad we did not make the hour drive to pick blueberries because the kids only lasted about 30 minutes, but we had a blast. Let's be honest, it was really Murray and me picking the blueberries, but Ella and Miller loved holding the buckets and dumping the blueberries from one bucket to the other.
So, what do you do with all these blueberries?

Make jelly of course!
Ella has grown to love making jelly! She was the official blueberry crusher today.

Ella was very diligent about stirring the blueberries until they came to a boil (don't worry I was right by her and made sure that she did not get too close!)

Other news in the Lee Household:
Sara Wells can now hold her bottle. Growing so fast! Makes me so sad, our little baby is growing faster than seems possible. Sara Wells loves sitting in this chair with Murray and drinking her bottle. This is their little spot.

Our little Ella has become quite the photographer. When Murray got home from work today Murray grabbed the camera to take a picture of him eating this banana. Very artistic!

Our new batch of blueberry jelly

Photo curtesey of Ella
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