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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A little late in posting, but better late than never. It has been so beautiful outside that sitting down at the computer is the last thing on my list. We had a great Easter weekend! Here are some pics from the weekend.

Ella and Miller had a blast dying easter eggs this year! My only regret is that I did not prepare more eggs. They were finished in about 5 minutes, literally. They actually did it almost all my themselves, I just love this picture because everyone is weighing in their opinion on how it should be done.

Sara Wells thoroughly enjoyed the easter egg dying!

As you can tell from the new header picture, Miller was not quite up to having pictures made Easter morning. But this is a great picture of Ell and Sara Wells.

This is the closest I could get to getting a good picture of Miller and Ella all day.

Easter was Ella's 4th Birthday! I cannot believe my baby girl is 4!!! Where does the time go?

(Side Note: Did you notice that Ella had three outfit changes in about 2 hours! One day I really am going to do a post on the outfit changes of Ella)


  1. Beautiful pictures and children....the Easter outfits are gorgeous......did you make them? That picture of Miller is takes me back!

  2. oh no, did not make their outfits, i would have had to start that last year! one day i would love to do a full blown heirloom dress. maybe sara wells will get it when i am not sewing for the others
