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Monday, December 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the Day

Well it is finally here, tomorrow is the day that we start potty training (and I chose the word we on purpose because it is going to be training Ella just as much as me). Just wondering if anyone has any last minute tips that I cannot live without. I am sure that there will be more than one funny story from our adventures over the next few days.


  1. Go go go!!! We just went through this, too, and it's wonderful!..we're back to having accidents, though..not sure exactly why?? don't be discouraged! Just keep those 'big girl panties' on her no matter what..oh..and m&ms are a great motivator!

  2. yeah for kim and ella!! i agree with beth..the m&ms are great. some people give them if they go to the bathroom, but i read to give them only if they kept their panties dry. it was a big incentive for sac. good luck!!

  3. we are doing m&m's for dry diapers, but ella hates to sit on the potty. so far no accidents, but no tt on the potty either. don't know if that is good or bad.

  4. Buy the book "Potty Training 1,2,3". It will change your life. We had Harper trained in one weekend.

  5. oh, good luck! keep us updated - i might just learn a few tips from you:)
