The number of Sundays I have missed. This morning in all of my self pity, I was thinking this was definitely the most Sundays I have missed in a row (growing up the rule was we did not do anything on Saturday night that kept us from church on Sunday) and then I remembered when Miller was born and then had RSV we were home for four Sundays in a Row. But that was something major, I did not seem as bad because had just come home from the hospital one Sunday and then the next two we were in the hospital again then the next Sunday we were ordered to stay home for protection. So that was a little easier to understand. But now, it is just little random illnesses keeping us away. Three weeks ago, I was miserable with a cold. Last week Ella woke up with some random throw up bug that lasted about 8 hours, but late Sunday afternoon (after sleeping 4 hours on the floor - I never blogged about that because I am still feeling like a bad mom for letting her sleep on the floor, but I did not want to wake her up) she was perfectly fine! Then this week Miller woke up with a stupid cold!
Now I will say that Murray and I have both had a cold, but I thought that Miller was in the clear because evidently two weeks ago he got the beginnings of the cold and it immediately turned into an ear infection (we did not even know he was sick, he just had 101 degree fever). The ear infection was relatively painless just about 5-10 hours of a whinny baby. But Miller has been on antibiotics for 10 days, so one would think he would not get sick. He finished his medicine Thursday and I did not think another thing about it. We had a great weekend with my mom here. Then last night as I was getting Miller ready for bed, I thought, he felt a little warm. I reluctantly took his temp because I knew if he had a fever we should not go to church the next morning. But, my good mom instincts won out and I took his temp and sure enough, back up to 100! I was so mad! He was perfect, happy, smiling, laughing, chasing Ella, but 100 degrees! What in the world. I gave him Tylenol and 30 minutes later he was back down to 99. I am just going to be honest (and I am sorry to anyone from church who reads this and had babies) but I went to be thinking if he does not have a fever in the morning we are going to church! I have missed too much and I long to be there, no more sick babies!!!
So I got up, in confidence got dressed, made Miller's bottle and walked into his room with him standing, bouncing in his bed laughing. So, of course I think he is fine. After I get him up and turn on the lights we go and get his clothes out of the closet and he is as happy as can be. I lay him down on his changing table and we are just singing and laughing and then I notice his eye. Covered in junk! His eyelashes matted together. Then he coughs this awful cough. I called Murray in and he declares that we are staying home.
So, off Murray and Ella go to church. Then my mom leaves. And it is just Miller and me at home. He is perfectly happy and looks perfectly healthy, just has a junky, slightly red, eye and a congested cough. When I put Miller down for his nap I was feeling very sorry for myself. I decided I was going to go get in my warm bed, feel sorry for myself and take a nap! But of course I could not fall asleep because it was 9 o'clock in the morning! So, I got out of my warm bed, made a cup of coffee and sat down and listened to one of the sermons I had missed. It is amazing what the Lord did to my heart when I gave up my childlike pouting and focused on him! Of course the Lord desires for us to be in worship with the body of believers, but sometimes we have sick kids and we have to stay home. But that cannot keep me from worshipping!
I sit hear, comforted by God's word, knowing that His plans are better than mine and He knows perfectly how to care for my children.
I will shamelessly plug Murray's sermons online. Maybe I am a little biased, but I think that Murray is an excellent preacher. Almost all of his sermons are online. His two sermons on tithing (Nov 16 & 23) are the best I have heard. Click
here to listen to sermons.