Granna and Miller
Ella making muffins with just a little help from Granna
We came home on Thursday and Parker and Jacqueline arrived that night. Ella loved playing with her cousin! She woke up from her nap saying "See Parker!"
Ella and Parker playing on the slide.
Parker, Miller and Ella
My sister, Aunt Suzanne, and her grandmother came in town Saturday with lots of goodies for Parker, Ella and Miller. I got so many great pictures of Suzanne with Miller, Ella and Parker and they are gone:( But we had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather on Saturday.
Easter was very special for us this year! It was Cahaba Park's first Easter service! I think it is a service that Murray and I will always remember. Easter morning when Murray and I got Ella up, we asked her where Jesus lives. Ella said "In my heart. Jesus is risen!" It just melted our hearts!
Easter pictures
We had Easter lunch at our house and an Easter Egg Hunt even though it was FREEZING. The cold did not seem to phase the kids. All the adults were very thankful for Parker who found the eggs very quickly and sped up the hunt.
Ella playing with Ann Tatum.
The kids table (this is what really made us feel like our parents, especially when we all gathered around and sang the prayer). Grace, Parker, Knox and Ella.
Knox "on the hunt"
Grace was most interested in the candy inside the eggs.
Parker teaching Ella how the pros hunt eggs.
Grace and Ella
Miller getting his final goodbye loving from Aunt Jacqueline
Ella is so grown up!!! I can't believe what she said on Easter morning!! That is so sweet!!! i love the picture of miller and ella on Easter morning with her hand around his chin...that is hysterical!!!!