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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Getting Creative

Still no new pictures...sorry. But when I get them put on the computer, I may go a little crazy.

As most of you know, we now home. However, we are trying to stay home for at least another week to let Miller get stronger and because the flu is going around here and that is about the last thing we need right now! So, I have been having to get very creative with Ella to keep her from going stir crazy. We have played with lots of playdough, stickers, colored, worked puzzles, read books. Ella got a new "baby" doll that has a bottle, a nightgown like Miller and even wears a diaper. Ella has learned to feed and burp her baby and she tries to changer her diaper when I change Miller's diaper. Today it warmed up a little bit and we went outside to do something new. Ella got bored quickly bc I was holding Miller and could not play with her. So I came up with a new game that worked for a little while. Our backyard is all woods. Our driveway always has lots of sticks and nuts from the trees. Today Ella picked up the sticks in the driveway and put them in the woods for Daddy. She was very excited about it for about 5 minutes. Then I think she realized this is not really all that fun. But whatever works, even if just for a few minutes, has become my moto these past few days.


  1. you always were so creative!!! so glad things are still going well with Miller!!!

  2. Amen Sista'. It is to bad we are both confined to our homes alone. I wish we could be confined together. But, that would totally defeat the purpose of your staying away from sick kiddos. So, I'll see you when spring has sprung and there are flowers blooming all around. Until then... hang in there and if you get any great ideas- please share and I'll do the same.
